About Me
I'm Laurie, a mom and wife living in Los Angeles. My hope is that you come to think of me a trusted friend with great advice.
When I first became a mother, I was completely overwhelmed... I couldn't believe how many things I needed for one tiny baby. Not only was there a ridiculous amount of gear, gadgets, and toys I had to buy, but hundreds of choices for each. I had no clue where to begin.
So in my free moments between feedings and diaper changes, I started researching. Bottles, diapers, pajamas, pacifiers -- I was on it. I didn't buy anything without reading endless user reviews and verifying it was non-toxic. It became my mission to make informed, smart decisions on everything I bought for my family.
Seeing my obsession, my friends who were moms and moms-to-be started calling me for advice: which stroller should they register for? What toddler car seat is the safest? What should we be eating? And what shouldn’t we buy?
As my children have grown so has this site. You should know that I hate having lots of things. I am constantly going through my house throwing stuff out so I only have on here things you really need.
Think of this site as your friend who already has done all the work for you. Whatever you need, I'm here.